The Present Perfect

Today was a fantastic Sunday in Beirut. My day started bright and early (6:45am) with a 9.5 mile run. The weather was spectacular and at the end of my run I...

No, this is not turning into a running blog, but I had to write about my best run ever! I just bought a new pair of running shoes yesterday and though...

This morning I got up and ran. 6 miles. My first “long run” since the half marathon. Summer break is just starting and I REALLY just wanted to sleep in. But...

May turned out to be a month of big accomplishments for me. First, I ran my first half marathon (which I started training for back in February) in the desert of...

Since I arrived in Beirut last August and began training for a 10K and then later a half marathon, I have run over 300 miles. All of those miles have been...

Last year my most popular post was one where I ranted about Beirut not being a great place for athletically minded people. I guess everyone loves a good rant and I...

Just before starting the race. Hardee’s . . . Just what I want to think about eating while I’m running 10K. The kids doing the 3K race. Almost there! My friend...

So who’s running in the marathon tomorrow? I am! Well, the 10K actually, but as I’ve learned in Beirut if you’re running any of the races that take place on the...